How To Help
Spread the Word
We are a mostly volunteer organization with one paid staff member. We rely on caring people like you to tell others about whom we are and what we do. Please help us make a difference in the lives of those being left behind in our community by telling others about us. It only takes a few minutes to learn about the problem we address and how you can be part of the solution.
Your Support is Urgently Needed; Please Donate Now – Tens of thousands of youth and underserved adults in the National Capital Area are being left behind because of the socioeconomic circumstances into which they were born or live. Your donation permits us to replace the barriers they face with positive opportunities and guide these deserving people on a path to success.
Music education is proven to make a positive difference in a person’s life yet changing education priorities and strained budgets have made it less available. Our music program fills that void.
Our programs are free to all eligible students. We are a mostly volunteer nonprofit that operates our programs in partner organization facilities; we have no facility costs. Your donation provides for the equipment students and teachers need as well as lessons in our Band & Orchestra Program. Any amount is appreciated. Each $100 received equips an After-School Guitar student; $200 a STEAM Guitar student; and $1,000 one year of lessons for a Band & Orchestra student.
We also accept equipment donations to include instruments and their accessories in good working order. Contact us to arrange for a pickup.
Your compassion for youth in need can be extended in your name for generations to come.
Planned giving is a means of “leaving a legacy”. One commits to a direct gift to a charity in a process that maximizes tax and other financial benefits. A gift can take the form of cash, stocks or other investment instruments, or other assets, and can be made during the donor’s lifetime or upon death.
It’s up to us to make a difference in the future of our community by making sure that there is always a music and mentoring program that is accessible to those living in less fortunate circumstances.
The following are ways you can “Leave a Legacy” through Planned Giving:
- Prepare a will; without one, you lose control over what happens to your assets at your passing.
- Leave a gift in your will for Music for Life.
- Give various assets in place of a cash donation. Gifts such as stocks, bonds, and other assets are of considerable value to us and may provide tax savings for you now.
- Make Music for Life the beneficiary of your pension plan or IRA. Avoid possible income and estate taxes after your death, or that of your beneficiary.
- Remember loved ones with memorial gifts. Through naming opportunities or by simply making a donation in the name of a loved one, you benefit from the tax break and you give to a loved one or to their memory in a unique way. What a wonderful way to remember someone!
- Name Music for Life as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy.
- Get others involved. Ask your financial advisor or attorney to encourage other clients to give to Music for Life through client counseling. Imagine the positive impact on your community if everyone made a donation to your favorite charity or a charity of their choice!
- Pass it on! Encourage family members and friends to “Leave a Legacy” to Music for Life through Planned Giving.
For more information on how you can “Leave a Legacy” to Music for Life please contact us.

Music for Life’s new t-shirt is gray with white and green graphics. It comes in both men’s and women’s styles. Men sizes are S, M, L and XL for $15; XXL for $18. Women sizes are S, M, L and XL for $15 each. Prices include shipping and handling.
To order on line – Click the “Donate Now” button in the upper right of this screen or If you prefer using PayPal click the “PayPal” button below. Under donation amount enter the total amount of your purchase; under dedication or message enter the quantities, styles and sizes you want. Complete the rest of the form and submit.
To order by check – Make payable to “Music for Life” and send the message with the quantities, styles and sizes you want to:
Music for Life
PO Box 1141
Springfield, VA 22151
You don’t have to be a musician; we need people to operate the program as well as teach. We rely on you to help us make a difference in your community. Continue reading to learn about the positions available.
The Program Administrator, Teacher, and Teacher Assistant positions require 1-2 hours per week at a class location site or online; the others can be done mostly via telephone and e-mail. The Teacher and Teacher Assistant positions are the only ones that require you know how to play an instrument.
- Program Administrator – We need adults to be responsible for overseeing a group guitar class. This means making sure the facility is ready; the teacher, assistants, and students are there and have everything they need; handling any class-specific problems that may arise, and coordinating/ communicating changes. A parent who volunteers is welcome to have their child participate in the lessons.
- Teacher – We need adults proficient in playing an instrument to teach classes. Guitar teachers do not need to be a professional because our lessons are for true beginners. You may teach at one of our current locations or at a new location near your home. If your schedule does not accommodate weekly classes perhaps you could make yourself available to host an occasional jam session for the kids, provide extra help to students who need it, or be a substitute on occasions when we need one
- Teacher Assistant – We need two or three assistants to help the teacher during group guitar lessons. Assistants do not have to be accomplished guitarists but must know enough about playing to help individual students perform the lesson as taught by the teacher. High school and college student are welcome; the time volunteered counts as community service for those who may need the hours.
- Fundraising – We have t-shirts to sell, guitars to raffle off, and bands that will play benefit concerts for us. We are also members of the United Way, CFC and World Bank Campaigns. We need adults to take the lead on these activities as well as to expand into other fundraising activities that will sustain us over the long haul. We also need people to help with grant applications.
- Business Liaison – We need adults to contact local businesses and clubs (Rotary, Lions, etc.) to find sponsors for a class location and in-kind support for our administrative needs; for example, storage facilities, accounting services, software support, etc.
- Recruiting – We need adults to help us recruit and enlist volunteers. This includes posting our needs on volunteer websites, contacting the music departments of local high schools and colleges, and participating in volunteer recruitment fairs.
- Social Media – We need people to maintain content on our social media sites and respond to visitor inquires.
Be part of the solution; Contact us to start making a difference in your community.
Step 1: Click below to download the application and then save it to your computer.
Step 2: Fill out the application on your computer (not online) and save those changes.
Step 3: Return to this page, enter a Name, Upload the application from your computer, and click submit.
Help Us Continue Helping Others
Alternative Gifts for the Holidays or Special Occasions
Alternative Gifts are all the love without all the stuff; rewarding to both the giver …
A Unique Way to Support Music for Life
FourChords Guitar Karaoke is the fastest way to learn new songs! The songs are displayed …
Please join us and become part of the community solution to the problems these deserving youth and adults must overcome in order to succeed. Businesses can help by donating equipment, services or funds; displaying our advertising; and linking your website to ours. Musicians can help by spreading the word about our program; linking your website to ours; performing on our behalf and teaching.
We will recognize your contribution by advertising your support on our website, in our literature and in our e-mails to our supporters.
Our business Sponsors
Thanks to the following businesses for supporting our program. Please give them a look the next time you need the type of product or service they provide. Thanks to Stilson Greene for his pro-bono design of the Music for Life logo.
Our Musician Sponsors
Thanks to the following musicians for supporting our program. Please give them a look the next time you need lessons or a band to play at an event.
Roger Taylor
Certified Suzuki Guitar Instructor
(703) 820-8113 or (571) 232-7000
Bad Influence Band
Washington DC’s Premier Blues Band (301) 385-1232
Drum Instructor, Drum Circle Facilitator
(703) 625-1453

Contact: Stephen Curtin
Brian Gross
BG & the Mojo Hands
Midnight Blue Guitar Studio
Memphis Gold
Harley String Band
Three talented singer-songwriters who mine the deep veins of American music and bring back the occasional rough diamond